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Mr Gareth Batten - 525 9914 [email protected] |
GatewayStudents normally spend either 3 hours once a week or an entire day once a fortnight out in the workplace. Employers are not allowed to be paid – nor are students!
This programme is available to Senior students who wish to combine practical learning in the workplace with school study, over the course of this year. Gateway may be ideal for you …….
If you are interested and would like to find out more…. Katrina Robbie, the Gateway Coordinator is available in the Careers Room from Mondays to Fridays and would be happy to help you look at your options and opportunities for the year ahead. You may also express your interest by filling out a Gateway application form (available outside the Careers Room) and handing it to your Form Teacher or Dean. If you’d like to be considered for the programme, or want to find out more, take action today! Gateway HOD Katrina Robbie – 525 9914 [email protected] Year 11 Work Experience 2024
From the 16th to 17th of May, you may have noticed a lack of year elevens at school. That is because they were all out on work experience. They went to a multitude of businesses across the bay, and a few even left the bay altogether. Hunter and I travelled through Takaka, interviewing the people who were working there. When asked why they chose to work there, many just responded with a simple “Because I like animals” at the vet, or “Because I like hemp” at Hammer Hardware, but some gave a more in-depth answer, such as Van at Waitapu Engineering, who said “I’ve always been interested in engineering and am thinking of a career in it.” He was at a guillotine, cutting metal. Unfortunately, most of the people we interviewed hadn’t had enough time through-out the day do very many different things at their work experience. Another person who seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely was Liam, who was working at the bike shop. Although he answered our questions with the same answer as most of the rest “Because I like bikes,” he was working on the wheel of a bike, and appeared to be quite capable of fixing it himself, without the need for help by the other person in the shop with him. These two are only a small sample of all the amazing things that the whole of year eleven did on their work experience and I am sure that after we interviewed them, they went on to do far more things than I could ever fit into this article. Work experience was amazing for me and everyone else involved, and we wish the next year’s group to do it all the best. Ollie - Year 11 |