Kamar Parent Portal
You can use this to view student information, including enrolment details, timetable, attendance, NCEA Summary and reports. A login and password has been supplied for you to access the Parent Portal, please go to this address to login: https://kamarportal.gbh.school.nz We advise that you copy (ctrl c) and past (ctrl v) your password into the respective boxes to avoid typing errors. If you have not received a login and password please contact Coralie Stopford at [email protected] You will need to have pdf reader software on your computer or device. You can get a free download from this address: http://get.adobe.com/reader FAQ:
Can I view school reports using the Portal? Yes, Reports can be viewed using the portal. You must use the KAMAR Web Portal on a computer (not phone, tablet or iPad) Attendance. Is this live or is there a delay? This is live. Any questions please contact Shona. Can I update Student Details? This is a view only portal but there is an option to Change Details, this generates a message to the enrollments administrator, Shona Erasmuson, to action changes. |
Parent Teacher Interviews We use the www.schoolinterviews.co.nz website. You will require a code to make a booking which will be provided to you closer to the date when the interviews have been set up online. Report an Absence - please see this page for information.