SCHOOL OFFICE HOURSOur school office is open from 8.30am to 3.20pm Monday to Friday. Our main phone number is 03 525 9914. You can also email us at [email protected].
Notes and reminders from the office team: A few reminders :
If you lose something (or find something):
Lost property is quickly returned if it is named! Unnamed articles will go into the Lost Property Store and if not claimed will be given away to charity at the end of each term. If you have lost an article of clothing you may ask at the office to have a look for it. Valuables (watches, jewellery etc.) may be kept at the office. There are two lost property displays a term for student to look through. If you find something that has obviously been lost or left behind please take it to the office and they will try to find the owner. If you can't wear the correct uniform: See your Form Teacher before Period 1. You must have a note from home explaining the circumstances. If you are sick or absent: It is really important that the school is notified EACH DAY when your child is absent for any reason. Year 13s can notify the school themselves; for all other year levels the absence must reported by a parent or caregiver. When the school is contacted please give your name, your child's name and form class and the reason for their absence. You can contact the school in any of the following ways:
School policy is that if your child is going to be withdrawn for more than 3 days (for reasons other than illness) you need to contact the Principal - Jono Hay [email protected] Please provide details and dates of the proposed absence. If you need to leave the school grounds during the day (for any reason): Bring a note from home explaining the reason, and get your Form Teacher to sign it in the morning. When you leave, put your note on the spike at the office and sign the ‘Exit' book, with the time that you left. Remember to fill in your return time, when you return to school. Those who go home for lunch regularly may bring a note at the beginning of the year which will be kept in the notebook, but you must still sign out, and in, every time. If you are ill or hurt during the day: Go to the office. The office staff will make the best arrangements for you. If you have problems: See the Dean of your year level or see Abbey Gilligan (Guidance Counsellor) or for employment advice see Mr Batten (Careers). Deans 2024: Year 7 ............. Mrs Mitchison Year 8.............. Mrs Mitchison Year 9.............. Mr MacKenzie Year 10............ Mrs Anderson Year 11............ Ms Weaver Year 12............ Mrs Robbie Year 13............ Mr Batten Abbey Gilligan can help with:
If you want to change your course: You must get the permission of the Dean of your year level, and after consultation with your parents, you must inform the Office in writing. If you are going to leave school: Collect a leaving form from the Office and follow the instructions. If you want a school testimonial you must apply early. Get these forms from your Dean. Student Support Fund Financial hardship should not stop a student from taking part in any school activity, such as field, sport or cultural trips. There is a Student Support Fund available to assist. Please contact the Guidance Counsellor or teacher in charge of the activity if finance is a problem. |
Term 4 - Monday 14th October - Monday 16th December 2025 TERM DATES Term 1 - Wednesday 5 February – Friday 11 April Monday 3 February - Nelson Anniversary Tuesday 4 February - Staff Only Day 2 Wednesday 5 February - Year 11-13 Thursday 6 February - Waitangi Day Friday 7 February - Full School & Pōwhiri Ends Friday 11 April (92-108 half days) Term 2 - Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June (86 half days) Term 3 - Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September (100 half days) Term 4 - Monday 6 October - Ends no later than Friday 19 December (up to 108 half days)* 2025 Public Holidays Term 1 - Good Friday 18 April Easter Monday 21 April Easter Tuesday 22 April (a school holiday) Anzac Day – Friday 25 April Term 2 - King’s Birthday – Monday 2 June Matariki Friday – 20 June Term 3 - None Term 4 - Labour Day – Monday 27 October School Account Number
No student in Years 7-12 is permitted to be driven by any other student during the school day i.e. between 8.45 am and 3.10 pm for any reason. Exemption to this will be given to Year 13 but only when permission has been granted by parents or caregivers. LEAVING THE SCHOOL GROUNDS
Pupils in Years 7 - 12 may leave the school grounds only if: