Students from each form class have recently been enlisted into the AMBASSADORS programme: a new initiative that encourages students to share their knowledge or newly acquired skills with at least five others at the school. The idea of empowering students to empower others draws upon teaching and learning approaches from the Te Ao Māori.
The tuakana–teina relationship, an integral part of traditional Māori society, provides a model for buddy systems. An older or more expert tuakana (brother, sister or cousin) helps and guides a younger or less expert teina (originally a younger sibling or cousin of the same gender). In a learning environment that recognises the value of ako, the tuakana–teina roles may be reversed at any time.
This first trial involves the roll out of three learning apps that are useful for all students in a variety of contexts; READ ALOUD - a text to speech voice reader, READER VIEW - a web page decluttering tool, and VOICE TYPING - a dictation tool.
Our AMBASSADORS will be able to provide support in the classroom to others as well as share their knowledge with teachers, friends, parents and younger siblings.
Over the next few months, our learning support coordinators (LSCs), Nicole Manson and Melanie Mott, will be introducing the AMBASSADOR programme to other Golden Bay schools. For more information on the three apps please play the slide below or check out the PDF HERE.
Students from each form class have recently been enlisted into the AMBASSADORS programme: a new initiative that encourages students to share their knowledge or newly acquired skills with at least five others at the school. The idea of empowering students to empower others draws upon teaching and learning approaches from the Te Ao Māori.
The tuakana–teina relationship, an integral part of traditional Māori society, provides a model for buddy systems. An older or more expert tuakana (brother, sister or cousin) helps and guides a younger or less expert teina (originally a younger sibling or cousin of the same gender). In a learning environment that recognises the value of ako, the tuakana–teina roles may be reversed at any time.
This first trial involves the roll out of three learning apps that are useful for all students in a variety of contexts; READ ALOUD - a text to speech voice reader, READER VIEW - a web page decluttering tool, and VOICE TYPING - a dictation tool.
Our AMBASSADORS will be able to provide support in the classroom to others as well as share their knowledge with teachers, friends, parents and younger siblings.
Over the next few months, our learning support coordinators (LSCs), Nicole Manson and Melanie Mott, will be introducing the AMBASSADOR programme to other Golden Bay schools. For more information on the three apps please play the slide below or check out the PDF HERE.