Whanau Support
Bullying Info
Information for parents and whānau on supporting their child, and working with schools on reporting and resolving bullying behaviour or see below for direct links. https://www.bullyingfree.nz/about-bullying/what-is-bullying/ It’s easy to assume everyone knows what bullying is - often the term bullying is used to describe other aggressive behaviour. https://www.bullyingfree.nz/about-bullying/different-types-of-bullying/ The three main types of bullying and overt/covert bullying. https://www.bullyingfree.nz/about-bullying/the-effects-of-bullying/ Bullying isn't good for anyone. It has a detrimental impact on students' health, wellbeing and learning, and effects the whole school community. |
Bullying incidents generally involve three different roles: initiators, targets, and bystanders. https://www.bullyingfree.nz/about-bullying/why-does-bullying-happen/ Any student, through no fault of their own, may be a target of bullying. https://www.bullyingfree.nz/about-bullying/bullying-in-new-zealand-schools/ There is no doubt that bullying is a serious issue that all schools face and every school has its own processes for reporting, recording and responding to bullying. https://www.bullyingfree.nz/about-bullying/students-with-disabilities/ Many factors, such as differences in learning support needs, physical velnerability, social skills challenges and intolerant social environments can increase the risk of bullying. |
Raising Young Adults Online
Manage your family’s digital life. Practical tips to keep the digital world healthy and fun for the whole family https://www.vodafone.co.nz/why-vodafone/family/digi-parenting/ Creating a digi-savvy family in today’s digital world. Vodafone, together with The Parenting Place and Netsafe, have practical tips and solutions to help you and your family take full advantage of this digital age https://icon.org.nz/ In Case of Online Negativity started as an idea from one of the founding members of Sticks ‘n Stones. They wanted to create a readily accessible online version of Sticks ‘n Stones advocates that was free and relevant and would support young people to resolve online issues and understand the tools, support and services available. https://icon.org.nz/taking-charge Steps you can take to keep life online positive and prevent negativity. https://www.bullyingfree.nz/about-bullying/cyberbullying/ Cyberbullying is bullying (social and verbal bullying and physical threats) that uses digital technology in some way. https://www.digitalcompass.org/ Digital Compass is the only educational game that gives kids the freedom to explore how decisions made in their digital lives can impact their relationships and future. |
Netsafe is New Zealand’s independent, non-profit online safety organisation. Taking a technology-positive approach to the challenges digital technology presents, we work to help people in New Zealand take advantage of the opportunities available through technology by providing practical tools, support and advice for managing online challenges. https://www.netsafe.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2018-Netsafe-Staying-Safe-Online-Guide-1.pdf This guide has been created with the help of some of New Zealand’s favourite tech companies to help everyone enjoy the internet safely. https://www.netsafe.org.nz/what-is-the-hdca/ The Harmful Digital Communications Act (HDCA) was passed in 2015. It was introduced to deter, prevent and lessen the impact of harmful digital communications including online bullying, harassment, abuse and revenge porn. Here are some important things to know about the HDCA. https://www.netsafe.org.nz/soyougotnakedonline/ Advice and guidance to help resolve problem sexting and revenge porn incidents. https://www.netsafe.org.nz/privacy-settings-on-social-networks/ Learn how to change the privacy settings on some of the leading social networks to control who can see what you post. |
Randomly Good Stuff
Free Parenting Helpline 0800 568 856. We are here to help parents with all parenting challenges from those everyday situations to the most serious issue of child abuse. http://www.commonground.org.nz/ Common Ground is a website for parents, whānau and friends – to recognise and understand the difficult situations that young people go through in their lives, and understand the support system a young person might have around them. https://parent2parent.org.nz/ A free and confidential service that can inform, educate, inspire and support you as you navigate your way through your family’s experience with disability. https://www.kiwifamilies.co.nz/topic/teens/ Everything from education to healthcare, this site brings you great information to support you as you parent your teenager. http://www.familyplanning.org.nz/advice/parents-and-carers/teaching-teens-about-sexual-responsibility Teaching teens/rangatahi about relationships, sexuality and sexual health and responsibility encourages young people to think about their own values and make better decisions in their own relationships. http://www.familyplanning.org.nz/advice/parents-and-carers/how-to-talk-with-your-children-about-pornogcraphy Young people’s access and exposure to online pornography is a growing concern for many parents. http://www.familyplanning.org.nz/advice/parents-and-carers/how-to-talk-with-your-children-about-consent Understanding consent is crucial to becoming a sexually healthy adult. https://signewhitson.com/ In her articles, books, and trainings, Signe provides down-to-earth, practical advice for navigating the daily challenges of living and working with children and teens. As a mother of tween & teen daughters, Signe relates to parents on a personal level. https://skylight.org.nz/ 0800 299 100 for support through trauma, loss and grief; 9am–5pm weekdays. |
Supporting and accepting your young person’s sexual orientation is important to their wellbeing. There are a number of practical things that you can do to support your young person. https://www.kiwifamilies.co.nz/articles/building-your-teens-resilience/ Whatever’s happened in your teenager’s life parents, you can play a key role in building resilience in them to help them move forward.Here’s 15 key factors to building teen resilience. http://parentempowerment.blogspot.com/ A useful blog by Sue Scheff, a Parent Advocate and Author. https://parents.au.reachout.com/ An informative Australian based website that helps parents support their teenagers through everyday issues and tough times. http://www.aodcollaborative.org.nz/news/id/48 A series of short drug information videos are now available to help health professionals, youth workers and family members have conversations with young people about substance use and substance-related harm. https://mindfulnesseducation.nz/ The Mindfulness Education Group is leading the way with high-quality professional development for educators and health professionals to teach New Zealand’s only locally developed and researched school-based mindfulness programme: Pause, Breathe, Smile. https://mentalhealth.org.nz/our-work/farmstrong Farmstrong is a nationwide rural wellbeing programme to help farmers and growers live well to farm well. Farmstrong shares farmer-to-farmer tips, supported and informed by wellbeing science so the rural community can cope better with the ups and downs of farming. https://au.reachout.com/ ReachOut is Australia's leading online mental health organisation for young people and their parents. Our practical support, tips and tools help young people get through anything from everyday issues to tough times - and the information we offer parents makes it easier for them to help their teenagers too. |