Well-being and Feelings
Feeling angry isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But sometimes young people use anger to cover other feelings of distress, and can let it out in ways that can cause harm to themselves and others. https://my.happify.com/hd/how-anger-affects-your-health-and-well-being/ It happens to the best of us! |
Everyone feels angry sometimes. Lots of things can make us angry. It can be a confusing feeling to understand and it can be hard to know exactly why you feel angry. https://www.youthline.co.nz/anger.html Anger itself is not a “bad” or “wrong” emotion to have. It is a perfectly normal and natural emotion. It’s important anger has an outlet so that it doesn’t just bottle up inside us. |
If you’re feeling anxious and would like to talk to someone about anxiety relief – wherever you are in New Zealand – you can phone this free 24/7 Helpline 0800 269 4389 https://depression.org.nz/ We all face challenges to our mental health. Depression and anxiety changes the way we think, feel and deal with tough times. Free 24/7 helpline 0800 111 757 https://thelowdown.co.nz/categories/anxiety/anxiety We can all get stressed or anxious sometimes. Worried or afraid of something happening, or obsessed about something happening in a certain way - so you're no exception. https://www.youthline.co.nz/anxiety--panicking.html Physical response, thoughts and how to cope. |
It’s normal to feel worried from time to time – it happens to everyone. But if these feelings don’t go away, they can overwhelm you and be upsetting, and that is not OK. http://www.commonground.org.nz/common-issues/thoughts-and-feelings/anxiety/ It’s normal for people to feel a bit stressed sometimes. It can become a problem when this stress reaction gets in the way of being able to think clearly or do things easily. http://everyoneisgay.com/category/wellbeing/social-anxiety/ A Q&A website where two young queer people respond to questions dealing with everything under the sun https://www.heysigmund.com/anxiety-during-adolescence/ Anxiety During Adolescence. Because When They Know More, They Can Do More. |
Confidence, Self-esteem and Resilience
The way we think about ourselves has a big impact on how we feel about ourselves and what we do in our daily life and how we interact with others. http://www.mhaw.nz Find out how these these Kiwis connect with nature to boost their wellbeing during Mental Health Awareness Week with five natural ways to well-being. https://www.auntydee.co.nz/tips-and-help/connect You can feel better by connecting – a problem shared is a problem halved. https://www.sticksnstones.co.nz/project/project-positive/ Project Positive is a campaign promoting positivity online and off. We all have the power to make someone’s day brighter! One person at a time, we can play our part and connect our efforts to make a real difference. |
Take a breath, take time, take notice. Here are some mindfulness suggestions for home, work, in nature & on social media. https://www.attitude.org.nz So what have you always wanted to do but have been too afraid to try? For me it was playing bass. I gave it a go, I failed. I kept going, I got better. If you persist you will become one of those annoying people that is good at everything. So what are you waiting for? Go out there and suck at something! https://www.heysigmund.com/of-being-human/ The Beautiful Imperfection of Being Human. Being human is complicated. Even if we came with a set of instructions, seriously, who would read them. This is a good thing. The only way to do ‘human’ is in our very own way. https://www.heysigmund.com/a-life-to-love-24-hours-of-simple-changes-to-something-extraordinary/ Change happens in moments, bit by bit, with brave, small, daring steps that lead to something bigger. |
We all face challenges to our mental health. Depression and anxiety changes the way we think, feel and deal with tough times. Free 24/7 helpline 0800 111 757 https://thelowdown.co.nz/categories/depression/depression It’s different for everyone but there are some common symptoms and feelings. https://www.youthline.co.nz/depression.html Past or recent life events, the way you cope with stress, how you think and behave, genetics, personality and biology have all been identified as playing a part in feeling depressed. https://1737.org.nz/ We’re here. Free call or text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day. You’ll get to talk to (or text with) a trained counsellor. Our service is completely free. |
You can get through this – there are things you can do to find a way through. http://www.commonground.org.nz/common-issues/thoughts-and-feelings/depression/ Depression can be really hard to deal with, but with the right help, a young person can get through it. https://www.whatsup.co.nz/teens/depression/ Feeling down from time to time is OK and happens to everyone. But when you feel down for a long time and when these feelings are intense and don’t go away by themselves, this is called depression. |
Grief and Loss
Hate not having what you love the most? https://www.youthline.co.nz/grief--loss.html Grief can be viewed as the process of stitching together the reality of ‘what was’ with the reality of ‘what is’. There are things you can do to help you move through this process. https://www.auntydee.co.nz/tips-and-help/when-youre-grieving You may feel like you’re going crazy, feel like you’re in a bad dream, question your religious beliefs, feel many emotions such as anger, hurt, betrayal, blame, shame/whakama and disbelief. https://www.whatsup.co.nz/teens/grief-and-loss/ Grief is a feeling of loss we feel when someone we love dies or leaves us. The emotional pain of grief is normal – it’s something we will all experience at some stage.There’s no right or wrong way to grieve – whatever you feel is OK. There are no rules and there’s no time limit. |
The thoughts, feelings and reactions we experience, when we’re faced with change and loss, whatever our age, are known as grief. https://www.skylight.org.nz/resources/loss-and-grief/relationship-breakdown If you've just had a relationship break-up and are feeling down, you're not alone. Here you'll find expert tips for helping you find balance again. https://www.skylight.org.nz/resources/loss-and-grief/loss-of-a-pet For many people a pet is a beloved member of the family and when they die it is a significant loss. https://www.skylight.org.nz/resources/loss-and-grief/multiple-losses Sometimes you may have to manage the effects of several losses at the same time, or within a short period of time. When losses pile up, so does the grief. |
Identity and Culture
Identity is a term to describe your own understanding of who you are. How you identify can influence what you do, how you look, what you believe and how you are perceived by others. https://www.auntydee.co.nz/tips-and-help/celebrate-culture Celebrate culture. Use your culture, don’t lose your culture. Culture gives us a sense of belonging, pride and identity. https://www.auntydee.co.nz/tips-and-help/sexual-or-gender-identity Be yourself. Accept yourself. Forgive yourself. Bless yourself. Express yourself. Love yourself. https://thelowdown.co.nz/categories/identity/cultural20identity Your culture is a big part of who you are. If you’re struggling to connect to your whakapapa, trying to make sense of the different cultures that are part of you, or if your family is from somewhere that’s not Aotearoa - it can get confusing. |
Gender is something everyone thinks they understand, but most people really don’t. http://www.imlocal.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/2013-17-02-Queer-101-Third-Edition.jpg The download on Gender, sex and sexuality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYmonkA4e80&list=PLsRNoUx8w3rOudkWxh2eqeuxwj_yeUna-&index=7&t=0s Koukourārata is Tāmati Cunningham’s place of belonging. This little place on Banks Peninsula in the South Island of New Zealand has had, along with Te Ao Māori (the Māori world), a significant influence on Tāmati growing up. In this thoughtful and informative talk, Tāmati shares the importance of the concept of "tūrangawaewae" – or "place of belonging" – in being our best selves. |
Support and Self-care
Looking after them means looking after yourself https://www.auntydee.co.nz/tips-and-help/relaxation By taking care of yourself, you are taking care of others. You are ensuring you are at your best for the ones you love. Relax, breathe, and appreciate. https://www.auntydee.co.nz/tips-and-help/sleep-hygiene Everyone needs sleep. Sleep hygiene is about good sleep habits. http://www.mhaw.nz Find out how these these Kiwis connect with nature to boost their wellbeing during Mental Health Awareness Week with five natural ways to well-being https://www.anahata-retreat.org.nz/2018/08/five-ways-yoga-nidra-can-transform-your-world Derived from two Sanskrit words, ‘Yoga’ signifying union or one-pointed awareness, and ‘Nidra’ meaning sleep – Yoga Nidra is one of our most commonly enjoyed deeper practices that Anahata has on offer. |
Understanding who else is in a young person’s life, what their support system is, and what your own support system is. http://www.commonground.org.nz/common-support/keeping-an-eye-out/ It can be hard to know when to worry about young people – what's normal and when to get more support. It’s common to be unsure how and when to step in and help, or even if you should. http://www.commonground.org.nz/common-support/taking-action/ There are lots of little things you can do to support a young person going through a tough time. https://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/home/ways-to-wellbeing/ The Five Ways to Wellbeing, Ētahi ara e rima ki te ngākau ora, help people stay mentally well. https://www.anahata-retreat.org.nz/2018/10/ten-ways-restorative-yoga-can-heal-you Restorative Yoga is counter-cultural, perhaps even revolutionary |
Good stress can keep us motivated and focused, but often young people are dealing with too much pressure. |
Did you know?! Stress is actually a normal and necessary part of being human!Back in the caveman days, our brain developed in a way that helped us to keep safe from danger. |