Golden Bay/Mohua Agencies and Resources
Mohua Social Services (formerly Golden Bay Community Workers) offers a wide range of social services, courses and other activities with the aim of empowering and connecting people. Ph 03 5259728 The Golden Bay Workcentre Trust seeks to enable individuals and groups to achieve self determination, create healthy and tolerant life-styles and exercise positive choices. Ph 03 5258099 Our purpose is to provide quality mental health services in Golden Bay and assist people working toward wellness and independence. Youth Hub is brought to you by the Golden Bay Youth Trust, established by passionate locals for the purpose of promoting health and well being for the youth of Golden Bay. Golden Bay Community Health is an integrated rural health centre comprising medical practice (providing GP services), rural hospital and residential elderly care. Ph 03 5250060 Onetahua' is the local name for the nearby Farewell Spit, and is translated as 'heaped up sand'. The whare tipuna, Te Ao Marama, was opened in 2001. Onetahua connects ancestrally to the waka Tokomaru, the maunga Parapara and the awa Waikoropupu. |
Takaka Police Station (03) 525 9211 Belonging to St John Youth is in many ways belonging to a large extended family with an ethos of caring and a strong focus on developing young New Zealanders into become outstanding citizens. Q-Youth is a Nelson based community organisation that provides support, information, advocacy and education for LGBTI young people and their whānau. Would you like to work as a youth worker, community worker or in another related field? Here’s an Opportunity for people aged 16-24 years to gain a Free Level 3 Qualification in Youth Work. Opportunities to experience the outdoors, in a positive way that promotes learning and personal growth, are at the core of the Whenua Iti Outdoors vision. Empowering Youth... The only limit is the imagination. |